By implementing the strategy - the strategy is expected to Strategic Plan goals and long term goals will be rapidly achieved to improve the competence of the Center for Ceramics and address of applied R & D / R & D technology and capable of providing AAC services that satisfy customers. The results of the implementation of priority strategies Center for Ceramics, among others:
- Developing and improving the quality of services of technical palayanan BBK
- Build research networks with universities, R & D institutions and with industry
- Improving laboratory capacity and expand the scope of accreditation as well as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the laboratory's quality system testing and calibration laboratories
- Expand the scope and improve the effectiveness of the certification system continues
- Improve the promotion and marketing of technical jasapelayanan BBK
- Increasing R & D facilities and a means of testing
- Improve the competence of R & D personnel and personnel serving JPT