Objectives and targets will be achieved through the formulation and implementation of a number of activities that constitute action by utilizing existing resources. The activities are organized into groups of activities that came to be called: PROGRAM. In line with the objectives to be achieved, BBK program is described as follows:
1. To achieve the goal "Increased Mastery Technologies", The programs are as follows:
- Research programs and RBPI field on conventional ceramics, advanced ceramics and glass, as well as nanoscale materials.
- Publication of Results Research Program through publishing magazines / journals, seminars, and dissemination of research results.
- Research Commercialization Program results through the filing of patent rights and participation in the commercialization of R & D results ARDI program.
Development Program Technology Innovation Center.
2. Target "Increasing Competence of Human Resources" will be achieved through the implementation of programs as follows:
- Training Program The training program includes training hierarchy, technical training and training training for trainers (TOT). Field of technology training includes ceramics, glass, nano materials and management.
- Internship Program. Internship done in ceramic or glass industry according to the rules.
- Formal Education Program. Formal Education tiered S2 and S3 in and outside the country by utilizing scholarship, and DIPA Ministry of Industry.
- Recruitment of New Employees program.
3. Programs to achieve the goal "Increased Infrastructures". In an effort to realize the goal of "Increasing Competence in the Field of Technology BBK Ceramic, Glass, and Nano Materials", support facilities and infrastructure is absolutely necessary. To that end, the Center for Ceramic deems it necessary to establish several programs to improve the infrastructure support, namely:
- Program procurement and maintenance of laboratory equipment *)
- Program procurement and maintenance of office equipment
- Program procurement and maintenance of information technology software
- Procurement program books - library books
- Renovation and maintenance program office buildings and home office
- Program maintenance and procurement of operational vehicles
- Building programs for advanced ceramics lab, lab nanoscale materials and pottery center **)
4. Program untuk mencapai sasaran ” Meningkatnya Kepuasan Pelanggan ”.
- Program handling customer complaints
- Program monitoring and evaluation of customer satisfaction through surveys to measure customer satisfaction index.
5. Programs to achieve the goal "Increased Quality of Service", which will provide services in a timely, accurate results, and competitive prices.
- Program Development and Administration Management System through the implementation of a laboratory quality management system & LS Pro, certification and implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2008, and the application of laboratory information management systems.
- The program to improve the competence of laboratory personnel
6. Programs to achieve the goals "Increasing Service Type".
- Institutional development program that includes the addition of IPC certification scope - Cencera, the addition of the scope of accreditation of laboratories, certification bodies and the establishment of the profession to the scope of certification: expert fuel, furnace expert, expert raw material, experts glaze, and other.
- Program development technical services, especially training and testing.